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Remo Fernandes Seeks Anticipatory Bail

Panaji, Dec 31 (PTI) Popular pop singer Remo Fernandes, accused of verbally abusing a minor girl who got injured by a vehicle driven by his son, has sought anticipatory bail from the Goa Children’s Court….

Pope Francis Wanted to Be a Butcher

Vatican City, Dec 31 (IANS) Pope Francis revealed on Thursday that when he was young he dreamt of growing up to be a butcher, as he admired those who practiced this profession when he used…

Death for Killers Of Bangladesh Blogger

Dhaka, Dec 31 (IANS) A Bangladesh court on Thursday sentenced two people to death for the February 2013 murder of blogger and activist Ahmed Rajib Haider. The court pronounced various prison terms for six others…

Parents Can Help Reduce Fighting Among Youth

New York, Dec 31 (IANS) Involving parents makes programmes designed to prevent violence among youth more effective, a study says. Addressing the parents’ attitudes about fighting, involving them in violence prevention programmes and tailoring programmes…

Neural Activity Of Moving Animal Recorded in 3D

New York, Dec 31 (IANS) Researchers in Princeton University have developed an instrument that allows three-dimensional recordings of neural activity in nearly the entire brain of a free-moving animal. The recordings could provide scientists with…

Essential Beauty Tips for Corporate Brides

New Delhi, Dec 31 (IANS) Most brides today are busy with work deadlines, responsibilities and end up with barely any time to plan their wedding. But taking care of simple things, including the right diet,…

Tarantino Sued over ‘Django Unchained’

Washington, Dec 31 (IANS) Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino and production banners the Weinstein Company and Columbia Pictures have been accused of copyright infringement over their 2012 film Django Unchained. Tarantino and the distributors were named as…