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Articles by Gopi

E-cigs no safer alternative than traditional smoking: Study

New York, Jan 30 (IANS) If you are an e-cigarette smoker and claim it to be ‘safer’ than combustible cigarettes, then take note. A new study warns that vapers are at risk of having heart…

Palak Muchhal launches personal app

Mumbai, Jan 30 (IANS) Singer Palak Muchhal of “Prem ratan dhan payo” fame has launched her personal app, and is happy that she has a personalised platform to stay connected with her fans. Muchhal launched…

AIADMK not inclined to tie up with BJP

Chennai, Jan 30 (IANS) The ruling AIADMK on Wednesday invited applications from candidates aspiring to contest the Lok Sabha polls in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry even as it made it clear that party cadres were…