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Articles by Gopi

TDP Strategies to defeat Kodali Nani in Gudivada | Inside (Video)

For more latest political and breaking news subscribe @ #ABNLIVE #ABNNEWS #ABNLIVETELUGU ABN is a 24/7 Telugu news television channel run by Aamoda Broadcasting Network dedicated to latest political news, live reports, exclusive interviews,…

BJP slams Rahul, accuses him of lying

New Delhi, Jan 31 (IANS) The BJP on Wednesday came down heavily on Congress President Rahul Gandhi after Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar accused him of using a visit to an “ailing man” for politicial…

Budget session expected to be stormy

New Delhi, Jan 30 (IANS) The opposition will seek to corner the BJP-led NDA on a range of issues including Rafale, problem of farmers and unemployment during the Budget session of Parliament beginning Thursday with…

Credit decision not taken unilaterally: Kochhar

Mumbai, Jan 30 (IANS) Beleaguered former ICICI Bank Chief Executive Chanda Kochhar on Wednesday said that none of the credit decisions at the bank were unilateral. Kochhar’s reaction comes after Justice Srikrishna Committee indicted her…

Over 10 flights cancelled as Jet grounds 4 aircraft

New Delhi/Mumbai, Jan 30 (IANS) Over 10 flights of financially troubled Jet Airways were cancelled on Wednesday a day after four aircraft were grounded. According to informed sources, the interim grounding of the four Boeing…