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Eritrea: Eid Mewlid Al-Nebi Celebrated Nationwide

Eritrea: Eid Mewlid Al-Nebi Celebrated Nationwide
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Eritrea: Eid Mewlid Al-Nebi Celebrated NationwideEid Mewlid Al-Nebi was colorfully celebrated today, 8 October nationwide.

At the celebration held at the Al-Khulefa Al-Rasheedin Mosque in which Imams of various Mosques, Sheiks as well as a number of the faithful took part briefing was provided on the religious meaning and depth of Eid Mewlid Al-Nebi.

At the occasion, Mr. Mohammed-Seid Beshir, Chairman of the Islamic Awkaf of Asmara, wishing happy Holiday to the faithful, called for transferring the noble societal values to the young generation.


Speaking at the event, Sheik Salem Ibrahim Almuktar, Mufti of Eritrea, gave briefing on the historical background of the Holiday and wished Happy Eid to the Eritrean people inside the country and abroad as well as to the Eritrean Defense Forces.

Sheik Salem Ibrahim Almuktar, also wished peace and stability as well as prosperity to the Eritrean people.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Information, Eritrea.

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Eritrea: Eid Mewlid Al-Nebi Celebrated Nationwide


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