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Pushpa: The Rise premieres delayed? Here is what is happening

A short while ago, reports emerged, saying that Pushpa: The Rise's premieres might not be going as per the schedule and there will be a considerable delay in the same. The delay in delivering the content to Qube was cited as the reason behind the same.

But when we caught up with the unit, they said Pushpa: The Rise's premieres are well on track and there will be no such delay in screening.

"It is true that there was delay in delivering the content. But we have cleared the logistical complications and the screenings will be held as per the schedule. The shows in India will also start as per schedule," a reliable source close to Pushpa unit says. Pushpa: The Rise premieres delayed? Here is what is happening


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Pushpa: The Rise premieres delayed? Here is what is happening

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