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10 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring Cross Country Companies


10 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring Cross Country Companies

Are you afraid to lose money on hiring a moving company? Have you ever heard people lost their goods with a hired company? If yes, then you need to read this article and learn how to avoid such an issue.  Below we have ten mistakes you need to avoid. 


  • Failed to research your interstate moving companies 

One of the common mistakes you make is to rely on one company and failed to research different from them before deciding the best one.  If you want to avoid some issues, make sure you have more than three companies you research their reviews online and ratings. 

  • You forget to set up utility in your new home. 

You forget to transfer all the utility bills to your names only to realize no light and water in your new home.  This kind of mistake may worsen, especially if you move on a weekend, forced to stay in the dark until weekdays working hours.  Make sure to change all utilities to your name.

  • Waiting until the last minutes to start planning to move 

Late booking, you may get a higher cost. But if you plan your move early, chances of getting a discount are higher. You may also miss the date you plan to shift because all the trucks are booked that day until the next day. The chances of leaving behind your items are high because of the hurry to move. You may need to arrive at the new state during the day, but you arrive at night due to late booking when you are confused about where to begin. 

  • Fail to create a moving budget

When you are looking for cross country moving companies consider having some money put aside for that day. You need to calculate all the expenses required and do your budget. Falling to budget is one big mistake of moving.  If possible, request multiple companies to quote to get an affordable budget range. 

  • Misjudging the right time to move 

Before planning to move, ask yourself, is it the right time to move or not. Have you put money aside to use during that day or not.  You may make some bigger mistakes that you need to avoid. When you are moving to the new home, the right time is the day. But others wait until night to start packing. As you delay, the chances of missing a truck may be high and forced to move the next day. 

  • Forgetting to label the boxes

You pack your important items in some boxes to use, and you forget to label them. This is one big mistake, especially when you want to use that item or an important document, and you already packed with others. To avoid all those, you need to mark your things properly. As you park, label them and important ones put near the door. 

  • Falling to explore a movement insurance policy 

Moving companies are required by the law to have limited coverage of the insurance company. If you want to be in safe companies, explore movement insurance for your goods. 

  • You hand your household items to the interstate moving companies. 

This one of the mistakes people make nowadays they pack and leave the truck to go without them. Regardless of how honest you have researched, the company doesn’t allow them to go without your presence. Make sure you move with your items all time to avoid some issues ahead. 

  • Accepting the first offer 

Some of the moving companies may want to give you the offer at a low price for you to accept. You make sure you compared more than three companies before making a decision. Pay attention to some important things like additional service and charges. Don’t accept a lower offer. You may end up crying to the police about a small issue like that.

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring Cross Country Companies

  • Packing all your stuff before sorting ‘

These are a mistake people make and get charged high for having many items. Avoid some confusion start packing important stuff first before anything else.

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