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‘Big Bad Wolves’ remake in works

'Big Bad Wolves' remake in works

Los Angeles, Sep 24 (IANS) "La Casa Muda" director Gustavo Hern?ndez has secured the rights for a remake of 2013 Israeli black comedy horror-thriller film "Big Bad Wolves".

Producer Ignacio Cucucovich's Mother Superior will collaborate with Hernandez in recreating the film, reports


Talking about the remake, Hernandez said: "The ambition to adapt a film like 'Big Bad Wolves' comes from the context of the region where I live.

It allows me to develop a cathartic story on injustice, as a citizen, father and cineaste. The reversion will be agile, raw and visceral, making the audience part of the ethical decisions, responsibilities and consequences which the film's protagonists will suffer because of their actions."

Directed by Israel's Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado, "Big Bad Wolves" centres around a vigilante policeman to snare the series of brutal murders, a kind of Dirty Harry figure who is dismissed from the police force when he hires two thugs to beat up a suspect.

"Big Bad Wolves" was described as the best film of the year at the Busan Festival in 2013.

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'Big Bad Wolves' remake in works

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