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Kolkata pledges to stand up for others on Human Rights Day

Kolkata pledges to stand up for others on Human Rights Day
Kolkata, Dec 10 (IANS) People from various walks of life joined hands to celebrate the 68th anniversary of International Human Rights Day here on Saturday through seminars, discussions and cultural programmes.

A number of organisations, both public and private, came up with several events across the city to celebrate the iconic day that talks about 'standing up for someone's rights'.

The state board of International Human Rights Council organised a colourful evening with young dancers at the Science City Auditorium in Kolkata.


"Give to every human being every right that you claim to be yourself," said Sujata Bhattacharjee, one of the organisers.

Another city organisation, Citizens for Justice organised a seminar, presided over by former army chief, Gen. Shankar Roychoudhury, with former Calcutta High Court Justice Pratap Roy among the participants.

Various city schools and colleges conducted programmes and discussions to spread the awareness of human right' among the citizens of tomorrow.

"Everybody has the right to bloom under the sun!" said the principal of Kolkata based St. Paul's Cathedral college while describing the fundamental rights of citizen.

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee took to Facebook urging people to show humanity in every action on occasion of the Human Rights day.

"Let us pledge to stand up for the rights of each one of our brothers and sisters across the world.

"We must show humanity in each and every one of our actions," Banerjee said.

NGO MASUM organised a Human Rights Fair on an open stage outside the Academy of Fine Arts where a number of civil society organisations and forums displayed their publications and visuals. Performers from Kolkata and the districts presented cultural programmes. Folk dance and songs were part of the colourful programme.

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