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Fidel Castro meets Vietnamese President

Fidel Castro meets Vietnamese President

Havana, Nov 16 (IANS) Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro had a "fraternal" meeting here with visiting Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang.

Both the leaders on Tuesday exchanged views on economic and social development amid dangers that threaten humanity, particularly climate change, wars in different regions, the growing world population, and food shortages worldwide, Xinhua news agency reported.


They expressed confidence that Cuba and Vietnam will win in the current common struggle, said a communique.

Castro, the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, recalled his visits to Vietnam and his meetings with leaders of the Asian country, stressing his admiration for Ho Chi Minh, a key figure in the founding of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

Quang, who is visiting Cuba on his way to the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Peru, was slated to meet incumbent Cuban leader Raul Castro on Wednesday.

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