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Jeremy Lin slams Chris Rock’s Asian joke at Oscars

Jeremy Lin slams Chris Rock's Asian joke at OscarsLos Angeles, March 1 (IANS) Actor-comedian Chris Rock's Asian joke at the 2016 Academy Awards might have made people burst into laughter, but NBA star Jeremy Lin wasn't amused.

The Charlotte Hornets star took to his Twitter page to share how upset he was because some people thought that making fun of Asians was "cool", reports

"Tired of it being 'cool' and 'ok' to bash Asians," he wrote, while asking, "when is this going to change?"


Despite the fact that Rock earned positive reviews of his jabs at #OscarsSoWhite controversy at the gala night on Sunday, the 51-year-old host appeared to disappoint some people when he made a joke involving Asian children.

In the middle of his monologue at the awards show held on Sunday, he said that he wanted to introduce the accountants from Price Waterhouse Coopers, which tabulated the vote results.

People started to laugh when they learned that the accountants were two Asian boys and an Asian girl whom Rock named Ming Zu, Bao Ling and David Moskowitz. The three children walked onstage as they brought briefcases, illustrating the stereotype that Asian people are diligent workers who are also good at mathematics.

However, some people were upset when Rock said, "If anybody's upset about that joke, just tweet about it on your phone that was also made by these kids."

They were quick to interpret that Rock implied Asian children were either accountants or child labourers.

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