Category: US Elections

US intelligence leaders agree on Russian intervention in election

Washington, Dec 17 (IANS) Major US intelligence leaders have expressed support for an assessment by the Central Intelligence Agency that…

8 years ago

Trump slams White House over Russia-linked hackings before poll

Washington, Dec 15 (IANS) US President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday questioned the probe into election-related hacking that is allegedly linked…

8 years ago

Twitter’s CEO to interview Edward Snowden on Tuesday

New York, Dec 13 (IANS) If you have any questions for the famed National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden…

8 years ago

Judge orders recount of Michigan vote in presidential poll

Detroit, Dec 5 (IANS) A federal US judge in a late-night ruling ordered Michigan to begin its presidential election vote…

8 years ago

Putin expresses confidence in Trump

Moscow, Dec 5 (IANS) Russian President Vladimir Putin has called the US President-elect Donald Trump "a smart man" and expressed…

8 years ago

Stein seeks federal court over Clinton votes recount effort

Washington, Dec 5 (IANS) Unites States' Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein's campaign said it would seek a federal court…

8 years ago

Trump allies seek to block recounts in 3 states

Washington, Dec 3 (IANS) Allies of US President-elect Donald Trump are asking the courts to block election recounts in three…

8 years ago

Trump nominates Elaine Chao as transportation secretary

New York, Nov 30 (IANS) President-elect Donald Trump's transition team confirmed on Tuesday that he has selected Elaine Chao to…

8 years ago

White House denies Trump’s claim of election fraud

Washington, Nov 29 (IANS) The White House said that there is no evidence to support the alleged "election fraud" claimed…

8 years ago

Michigan proclaims Trump election winner after vote count

Washington, Nov 29 (IANS) The US state of Michigan, where the vote count after the November 8 election took nearly…

8 years ago

Trump Tower turns into ‘Dump Tower’ on Google Maps

Washington, Nov 27 (IANS) Trump Tower in New York city turned into "Dump Tower" on Google Maps for a few…

8 years ago

Sharif should reach out to Donald Trump, says Musharraf

Islamabad, Nov 21 (IANS) Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has said that it was a golden opportunity for Pakistan to…

8 years ago

Obama again hits at Facebook for spreading fake news

New York, Nov 18 (IANS) US President Barack Obama on Friday crticised Facebook for spreading fake news that favoured Donald…

8 years ago

‘Made in America’ iPhones on cards: Report

New York, Nov 18 (IANS) iPhones may soon be made in US as Apple has asked Foxconn and Pegatron to…

8 years ago

EU will maintain Russia policy even if US changes course, says Mogherini

Brussels, Nov 14 (IANS) Brussels will pursue its own policy regarding Russia even if the new American administration abandons Barack…

8 years ago

Facebook, Twitter helped me win: Trump

New York, Nov 14 (IANS) Soon after critics blamed social media giant Facebook for influencing the US-elections in favour of…

8 years ago

UN chief welcomes Trump’s call for unity

United Nations, Nov 13 (IANS) UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed a call from US president-elect Donald Trump for unity after…

8 years ago

Turkey issues travel warning amid anti-Trump protests in US

Ankara, Nov 13 (IANS) Turkey's Foreign Ministry issued a travel warning concerning the United States as thousands of Americans have…

8 years ago

Obama urges reconciliation in message for US veterans

Washington, Nov 13 (IANS) President Barack Obama urged all Americans to reconcile their differences and called for "loving our neighbours…

8 years ago

Man shot during anti-Trump protest in US

Washington, Nov 13 (IANS) A man sustained a gunshot wound during a protest in Portland, Oregon, where hundreds of people…

8 years ago

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