Category: US Elections

Russian lawyer refutes Trump’s son’s Clinton claims

Washington, July 11 (IANS) The Russian lawyer at the centre of allegations surrounding US President Donald Trump's eldest son has…

7 years ago

Comey leaked classified information to media: Trump

Washington, July 10 (IANS) US President Donald Trump on Monday accused former FBI Director James B. Comey of illegally leaking…

7 years ago

Trump believes N. Korea, China too meddled in US election: Aide

Washington, July 10 (IANS) White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus has said that US President Donald Trump believes that…

7 years ago

Republicans win key US congressional election

Washington, June 21 (IANS) The Republicans have won a closely contested US Congressional election in Georgia, seen by many as…

7 years ago

US personnel charged with leaking secret Russian document

Washington, June 6 (IANS) The US Department of Justice has brought a charge against a National Security Agency (NSA) contractor…

7 years ago

Trump won’t block Comey from testifying

Washington, June 6 (IANS) US President Donald Trump will not block James Comey, former director of the Federal Bureau of…

7 years ago

US AG omits Russian details in security clearance form: Media

Washington, May 25 (IANS) US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who lied during his confirmation about his alleged Russian ties, also…

7 years ago

Trump insists he’s not under FBI investigation

Washington, May 12 (IANS) US President Donald Trump has insisted he is not under investigation, even as acting FBI Director…

7 years ago

Trump to receive Russia’s foreign minister this week

Washington, May 10 (IANS) US President Donald Trump will receive Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov here on Wednesday, according to…

7 years ago

Hillary blames FBI chief, Russia for 2016 defeat

Washington, May 3 (IANS) Hillary Clinton has said she takes responsibility for her loss to Donald Trump in the 2016…

7 years ago

Obama’s first public address post presidency

New York, April 24 (IANS) Three months after leaving the White House, former US President Barack Obama will deliver his…

7 years ago

Trump may revisit his policies in future: US representatives

New Delhi, April 3 (IANS) US President Donald Trump may soften his position on some of his controversial policies with…

7 years ago

20 people to be questioned over Russian interference in US election

Washington, March 30 (IANS) The US Senate Intelligence Committee will question 20 people in its investigation of Russia's interference in…

7 years ago

‘Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians’

Washington, March 23 (IANS) The FBI has information that indicates President Donald Trump's associates may have communicated with suspected Russian…

7 years ago

Rebuffed by Comey’s testimony, Trump tweets new theory

Washington, March 21 (IANS) After the FBI Director James Comey said he had no information to back up a conspiracy…

7 years ago

FBI confirms Trump-Russia investigation

Washington, March 21 (IANS) FBI Director James Comey for the first time has publicly confirmed that his agency is investigating…

7 years ago

Bharara was probing Trump cabinet member when sacked

Washington, March 18 (IANS) Fired US Attorney Preet Bharara was investigating a key member of President Donald Trumps cabinet, a…

7 years ago

British spy agency denies wiretapping Trump

London, March 17 (IANS) Britain's intelligence agency Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has denied the White House claims that it helped…

7 years ago

FBI disputes Trump’s wiretapping claim

Washington, March 6 (IANS) Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey has asked the US Justice Department to publicly reject…

7 years ago

Trump slams Pelosi over Russia meetings

Washington, March 4 (IANS) US President Donald Trump needled House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for claiming she had never met…

7 years ago

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