Category: USA

Donald Trump wins South Carolina

New York, Feb 21 (IANS) Republican front-runner Donald Trump late on Saturday won the South Carolina Republican primary. The victory…

8 years ago

Hillary Clinton wins Nevada Democratic caucuses

Washington, Feb 21 (IANS) Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Saturday snatched a key victory in Nevada Democratic caucuses days…

8 years ago

Russia, US discuss Syrian peaceful settlement issues

Moscow, Feb 21 (IANS) Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry on Saturday discussed issues…

8 years ago

‘Kidnapped embassy staff killed in US airstrikes in Libya’

Belgrade, Feb 20 (IANS) The two Serbian embassy employees kidnapped last November in Libya were most probably killed during the…

8 years ago

Trump leads in South Carolina; Clinton faces tough fight in Nevada

Washington, Feb 20 (IANS) Donald Trump is leading the Republican pack ahead of Saturday's crucial primary in South Carolina while…

8 years ago

China blames US for ‘militarising’ sea

Beijing, Feb 20 (IANS) China says it does not intend to militarise the Nansha Islands in the South China Sea,…

8 years ago

‘THAAD deployment in Seoul to raise regional tension’

Moscow, Feb 19 (IANS) The deployment of an advanced US missile system in South Korea in the wake of the…

8 years ago

Obama’s Cuba visit marked by controversy in US

Washington, Feb 19 (IANS) Barack Obama will head to Cuba next month for the first visit by a US president…

8 years ago

Apple’s Tim Cook would have been booked as anti-national in India

By L. Subramanyan Against the backdrop of what is happening in India in reference to the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)…

8 years ago

Trump takes on Pope for suggesting he ‘is not Christian’

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="27716,26418"] Washington, Feb 19 (IANS) Taking a calculated political risk, Donald Trump took on the Pope for suggesting…

8 years ago

Pope says Donald Trump ‘is not Christian’

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="27716,26418"] Mexico City, Feb 19 (IANS) Republican front-runner Donald Trump "is not Christian" if he calls for the…

8 years ago

Democratic Insiders Boost Clinton’s Delegate Lead

Washington, Feb 18 (AP) Bernie Sanders won big in the state of New Hampshire, but Hillary Clinton is still adding…

8 years ago

Obama Signs North Korea Sanctions: White House

Washington, Feb 18 (AFP) US President Barack Obama today signed off on new sanctions against North Korea to punish the…

8 years ago

Disagree with US rationale to sell F-16s to Pakistan: India

New Delhi, Feb 18 (IANS) India on Thursday termed the US supply of F-16 aircraft to Pakistan as "unfortunate" and…

8 years ago

China military says US F-22 stealth fighters detected

Beijing, Feb 18 (IANS) The Chinese military has claimed it was able to detect US F-22 stealth fighter jets, a…

8 years ago

Falling Trump says ‘somebody at WSJ doesn’t like me’

By Arun Kumar Washington, Feb 18 (IANS) As a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found Donald Trump surprisingly falling…

8 years ago

Obama to visit Cuba in March

Washington, Feb 18 (IANS) US President Barack Obama is set to visit Cuba in March, a move which would make…

8 years ago

Nikki Haley Endorses Rubio for Race to White House

From Lalit K Jha Washington, Feb 18 (PTI) Indian-American South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has endorsed Marco Rubio which will…

8 years ago

Kerry Holds Summit with Hollywood Studio Chiefs on ISIS

Los Angeles, Feb 17 (IANS) US Secretary of State John Kerry met with the heads of major Hollywood studios to…

8 years ago

US Jets Fly over South Korea in Show Of Force

Seoul, Feb 17 (IANS) At least four US F-22 stealth fighters flew over South Korea's airspace on Wednesday in an…

8 years ago

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