Category: Politics

Kerala wants to be declared drought hit

Thiruvananthapuram, April 28 (IANS) Kerala wants the central government to declare the state drought hit, it was announced on Thursday.…

8 years ago

Modi hails scientists after satellite launch

New Delhi, April 28 (IANS) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday congratulated Indian space scientists after a successful launch of…

8 years ago

‘Cleaning Ganga is atoning for previous governments’ crimes’

New Delhi, April 28 (IANS) Taking a jibe at the Congress over pollution of the river Ganga, Union Minister Uma…

8 years ago

Sidhu takes oath in Rajya Sabha

New Delhi, April 28 (IANS) Cricketer-turned-politician Navjot Singh Sidhu took oath on Thursday as a nominated memeber of the Rajya…

8 years ago

Indira Gandhi was changing bedcovers after 1971 war began: Book

New Delhi, April 28 (IANS) A day after the India-Pakistan war erupted in 1971, then prime minister Indira Gandhi was…

8 years ago

Two held for stealing dagger gifted to Nehru

New Delhi, April 28 (IANS) Two sanitation workers at the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, were arrested for stealing a…

8 years ago

Trump outlines ‘America First’ foreign policy

Washington, April 28 (IANS) After a clean sweep in five state primaries, Republican front-runner Donald Trump outlined an “America First”…

8 years ago

Why Congress wilted, why Modi bloomed

By M.R. Narayan Swamy Title: India Rising: Fresh Hope, New Fears; Author: Ravi Velloor; Publisher: Straits Times Press; Pages: 368;…

8 years ago

Cruz teams up with former executive against Trump

Washington, April 28 (IANS) Republican candidate Ted Cruz chose former technology executive Carly Fiorina as his running mate, in his…

8 years ago

Second phase of Bihar panchayat polls begins

Patna, April 28 (IANS) The second of a ten-phase panchayat elections in Bihar began on Thursday to elect 27,514 posts…

8 years ago

Breakthrough eluded Delhi talks: Pakistan top official

Islamabad, April 28 (IANS) Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry said that there was no breakthrough in talks with his Indian…

8 years ago

Austrian parliament passes tougher legislative asylum package

Vienna, April 28 (IANS) Austria's parliament on passed a legislative asylum package that will lead to a potentially tougher refugee…

8 years ago

Thousands of South Africans march to press for Zuma’s ouster

Johannesburg, April 28 (IANS) Thousands of South Africans took to the streets across the country to press their demand for…

8 years ago

Cruz announced Fiorina as his running mate

From Lalit K Jha Washington, Apr 28 (PTI) A day after getting mauled by front-runner Donald Trump in five Republican…

8 years ago

Trump delivers ‘America first’ foreign policy speech

Washington, April 28 (IANS) Republican frontrunner for the 2016 presidential campaign Donald Trump vowed to pursue an "America first" foreign…

8 years ago

UN to strengthen peace-building efforts

United Nations, April 28 (IANS) The UN Security Council and the General Assembly concurrently adopted resolutions on peace-building architecture, providing…

8 years ago

Former Bengal minister Kanti Biswas dead

Kolkata, April 28 (IANS) Veteran CPI-M leader and former West Bengal minister Kanti Biswas died at a private hospital here…

8 years ago

ABVP protests over Bhagat Singh’s portrayal in DU book

New Delhi, April 27 (IANS) The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) on Wednesday staged a protest at the Delhi University…

8 years ago

Pathankot attack: NIA visit to Pakistan still in limbo

New Delhi, April 27 (IANS) The NIA's visit to Pakistan for investigating the Pathankot air base attack is still to…

8 years ago

Don’t need Congress anymore: Mamata

Kolkata, April 27 (IANS) Terming the tie-up between the Congress and the CPI-M as a "blunder", West Bengal Chief Minister…

8 years ago

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