Category: Culture

Former Pakistani diplomat Husain Haqqani not to attend Delhi litfest

New Delhi, March 14 (IANS) Pakistan former ambassador to the US Husain Haqqani will not attend 'Spring Fever', touted as…

8 years ago

Odisha CM wants best ASI experts for repair of Jagannath temple

Bhubaneswar, March 14 (IANS) Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Monday urged the central government to direct the ASI to…

8 years ago

AoL to set up bio-diversity park at Yamuna floodplain

New Delhi, March 14 (IANS) The Art of Living (AoL), headed by spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, on Monday,…

8 years ago

Sahara chief’s book from Tihar tops chart, then slips

New Delhi, March 14 (IANS) As the embattled Sahara chief Subrata Roy completes two years in prison, there is something…

8 years ago

Religiosity must give way to spirituality

By M.R. Narayan Swamy Title: Applied Spirituality; Author: Swami Agnivesh; Publisher: Harper Element; Pages: 156; Price: Rs.350 In this small…

8 years ago

The tragedy of Syria – and of wars

By Vikas Datta Title: The Morning They Came for Us - Dispatches from Syria; Author: Janine Di Giovanni; Publisher: Bloomsbury…

8 years ago

Culture minister questions environmentalists opposed to WCF

New Delhi, March 13 (IANS) Questioning the intentions of environmentalists who opposed the World Culture Festival, union Culture Minister Mahesh…

8 years ago

Parliament of world’s religions wants Nobel for Sri Sri

New Delhi, March 13 (IANS) Parliament of the World's Religions on Sunday compared the "ideologies and experiments" of Art of…

8 years ago

World leaders hail Sri Sri, Cameron invites him to House of Commons

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="27641,12143"] New Delhi, March 13 (IANS) World leaders on Sunday hailed Art of Living (AoL) and its founder…

8 years ago

BJP leaders slam opposition to World Culture Festival

New Delhi, March 13 (IANS) BJP leaders on Sunday slammed critics of the Art of Living's World Culture Festival celebrated…

8 years ago

Move away from minority-majority mindset: Minister

New Delhi, March 13 (IANS) Indians have to move away from the mindset of minority or majority to ensure an…

8 years ago

Need to live in harmony: Prabhu

New Delhi, March 13 (IANS) The need of the hour is to live in harmony, without hurting each other's cultural…

8 years ago

Tai chi can help older adults reduce risk of falling

Taipei, March 13 (IANS) Regularly practicing the Chinese exercise tai chi that combines certain postures and gentle movements with mental…

8 years ago

Hema Malini regrets missing Sri Sri’s culture fest

Mumbai, March 13 (IANS) Bollywood actress and BJP's Lok Sabha member Hema Malini has lauded Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for…

8 years ago

Oppression by technology: The author who predicted today’s nightmares

By Vikas Datta A long-running Indian TV game show about a group of disparate people consciously living under the continuous…

8 years ago

Rain again at world culture festival, Rajnath, Sushma hail Ravi Shankar

New Delhi, March 12 (IANS) Showers lashed the Art of Living's World Culture Festival on the Yamuna flood plain here…

8 years ago

Day-2: When thousands showered by ‘Art of Living’

New Delhi, March 12 (IANS) Thousands of followers of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar had their lessons in art of living…

8 years ago

Inequalities would come back to haunt us: Sherry Rehman

New Delhi, March 12 (IANS) Deepening inequalities across societies globally is turning up as a major challenge for the world,…

8 years ago

Fashion can bring us closer: Pakistani designer Huma

New Delhi, March 12 (IANS) Fashion can be the balm that can lend a healing touch to relations and bring…

8 years ago

Repair of parts of Great Wall of China nears completion

Beijing, March 12 (IANS) The repair of parts of the Great Wall of China in Gansu province is nearing completion,…

8 years ago

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