Categories: Africa News

Eritrea: Call for integrated effort to control locust prevalence

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The Ministry of Agriculture, indicating that the limited rainfall at the eastern escarpments has created conducive conditions for desert locust breeding, called on all concerned institutions and especially farmers to carry out coordinated surveillance.

The Ministry also called on administrations, the public, and members of the Defense Forces, in coordination with experts, to conduct regular surveys and follow-up.

Noting that the desert locust that is detected in limited areas may get the opportunity to develop its breeding capacity and gradually spread to the highlands and eastern escarpments, the Ministry expressed the need for coordinated and effective efforts to put it under control.

Likewise, the desert locust that was detected last week at the Gaden-Ala administrative area was put under control through an integrated effort by agricultural experts, administrations, and the public.

Mr. Yemane Abera, administrator of the Dekemhare sub-zone, called on the public in general and farmers in particular to immediately report if they observe the prevalence of desert locust in their areas.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Information, Eritrea.

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