Categories: Africa News

Committee Chairperson on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Sends Condolences to Chikunga Family

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The Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Ms Nonhlanhla Ncube-Ndaba, is saddened to hear of the tragic deaths in a car accident of six family members of Ms Sindisiwe Chikunga, the Deputy Minister of Transport.

According to media reports, those who passed away include Ms Chikunga’s son, daughter-in-law and four of her grandchildren. Ms Ncube-Ndaba said the committee conveys its deepest and heartfelt condolences to the Chikunga family, their friends and to the Ministry of Transport.

The committee joins the call to support the family during this extremely difficult journey of mourning. “Death is the severest painful affair. The committee joins the Chikunga family in trusting that, by the grace of the Almighty, they will pass through this journey,” said Ms Ncube-Ndaba. “May their souls rest in eternal peace.”

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Republic of South Africa: The Parliament.

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