YS Jagan government revokes 3 capitals bill

Hyderabad :AP Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy pay tribute to martyrs on the occasion of Police commemoration Day function at Vijayawada Indira Gandhi Municipal Stadium on Thursday October 21, 2021. (Photo:snapsIndia IANS)

In an interesting development, the government of Andhra Pradesh has tracked back on the 3 capitals proposal. The government has intimated to the high court of Andhra Pradesh that it is revoking the 3 capitals proposal.

The government has mentioned that there are a few technical flaws in the preset 3 capitals proposal. The YS Jagan-led government has decided to revoke the decentralization bill now, through which it proposed to develop Kurnool, Vizag, and Amaravati as the three capitals of Andhra Pradesh.

Now, there are reports claiming that the government of Andhra Pradesh has decided to announce Vizag as the solitary capital of Andhra Pradesh. If this turns to reality, it could greatly aggravate the Amaravati movement that is underway already.

The chief minister YS Jagan is expected to speak about the whole development in the Andhra Pradesh assembly shortly.

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