The Priest Review: Jofin T Chacko’s Debut Film is horrifically unsettling and mysteriously disturbing (Rating: ***)

Film: The Priest

Starring: Mammootty, Manju Warrier, Nikhila Vimal

Director: Jofin T. Chacko

Rating: ***

Reviewer: George Sylex

Overview - After a long deferral of theater relese because of overall pandemic circumstances, Debutant Filmmaker Jofin T Chacko's horror thriller The Priest is at last premiered today. The film stars Mammootty, Manju Warrier, Nikhila Vimal Baby Monica and Saniya Iyappan in unmistakable jobs. It is a mystery suspense thriller flick with no exhausted frequented house minutes, goosebumps score and a frightening story which bodes well.

The film begins with a flashback visual of an emergency clinic on a blustery day. The scene at that point slice backs to Fr Benedict (Mammootty) reciting with his rosary and meets with a young woman (Saniya Iyappan). She clarifies a story of an affluent and persuasive Christian family where everybody continues to suicide, in the hole of a couple of years. The young lady needs Benedict to research these sad happenings. Benedict, as has all the earmarks of being his custom, opens a case book, marks the family name, calls his police contact and starts the examination. During the cycle of investigation he meets Ameya (Baby Monica), an antagonistic and irate girl of a school. Jesse (Nikhila Vimal) shows up as an instructor in Ameya's school and gets maneuvered into the kid's life. Fr Benedict tracks down some secretive realities about the family and child. The remainder of the film manages how he redresses every one of the encompassed secrets.

Written by Jofin, Shyam Menon and Deepu Pradeep, this without a doubt is one of the grasping shocking tales to emerge from mollywood. The degree of charming gets, so high on occasion you sort of overlooked the absolute silliest escape clauses. The track between Mammootty, Nikhila and Baby Monica has a graph fluctuating with each passing scene. At focuses, the circumstances are so genuine, however here and there you can't bear them. I had not many seats void to one side and right,, however, in numerous scenes, I felt the pounding close to my seats brought about by a person sitting numerous seats away. Horror certainly isn't there for the whole time, however for the time it's there it alarms you. Delightfully executed creepy scenes and their abrupt events are commendable for enthusiasts of this genre.

Mammootty, clearly, is in a symbol nobody could've at any point envisioned it. We saw some exciting hints of him during various films, yet in The Priest, he has focused on a grand slam and prevails with regard to accomplishing it towards the peak. He is gutsy and awful simultaneously. The flightiness of his character, the variety of his outward appearances are the consequences of one incredibly composed character. Baby Monica satisfies the maker's vision as a pro. Her strange chemistry with Nikhila functions admirably. At the point, when you have somebody as skilled as Mammootty having a great time with his character, one will in be general get into a shell, yet, she conquers this with his splendid presence. Nikhila Vimal looks charming and has some vital successions in the subsequent half. Her flooding charm underpins her go about as she gives a decent presentation. Manju Warrier shines with her restricted acting space.

Jofin T Chacko, making his debut with The Priest is the genuine hero of the film. Co-writing a convoluted story, collaborating a heavenly cast and conveying an item inside a controlled spending plan isn't each amateur can do. Despite the fact that he has picked an extreme genre for his presentation, it would truly be fascinating to perceiving what he does straightaway. Giving us The Priest, he has demonstrated how mollywood can truly agitate up a thriller less adages, exaggerating and wince commendable content. Generally, it's the music writer who's credited first in this segment, however, The Priest has a champ in its background score composer — Rahul Raj. The terrifying impact, Gregorian serenades, pounding of entryways; Rahul covers this frightening material with his spine-chilling impacts. There are three songs in the film made by him, and it serves well as the situational tracks.

Final Word - The film is a magnificent expansion to the genre of horror mystery because of the introduction of its story, visual, and sound proposition. The Priest turns out to be increasingly terrifying, lowering the watchers with sickening dread as opposed to sprinkling them with periodic waves. A promising introduction from Jofin T Chacko.

A Thrilling Cinematic Experience!

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About GeorgeSylex

Film Critic, Writer, Reviewer, Columnist

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The Priest
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The Priest
After a long deferral of theater relese because of overall pandemic circumstances, Debutant Filmmaker Jofin T Chacko's horror thriller The Priest is at last premiered today. The film stars Mammootty, Manju Warrier, Nikhila Vimal Baby Monica and Saniya Iyappan in unmistakable jobs. It is a mystery suspense thriller flick with no exhausted frequented house minutes, goosebumps score and a frightening story which bodes well.
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March 11, 2021

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