Andhaghaaram Review: A Breath of Fresh Air to an Exhausted Genre (Rating: ***)

Film: Andhaghaaram

Starring: Arjun Das, Vinoth Kishan, Pooja Ramachandran

Director: V. Vignarajan

Rating: ***

Reviewer: George Sylex

Overview - Andhagaaram, a film directed by V Vignarajan, in his directional presentation and produced by Atlee under his A for Apple Productions, stars Arjun Das, Vinoth Kishan, Pooja Ramachandran and Misha Ghoshal in lead roles and has selected a premiere on Netflix. The film is a suspenseful thrill ride with a nonlinear story line and great exhibitions from Arjun Das and Vinoth Kishan. Andhaghaaram is certainly not everyone's cup of coffee as far as amusement. One thing Atlee and director V Vignarajan are extraordinary at is finding and using new talents.

Andhaghaaram spins around the life of three unique people. Vinod (Arjun Das) is a cricket trainer, Selvam (Vinoth Kishan) is an outwardly weakened man working in a library and the third individual is Dr Indra (Kumar Natarajan) is an eminent mental therapist hoping to restart his training again after a deadly mishap almost executes him. How the life of three people interfaces is the essential structure of the film. Andhaghaaram isn't hostile in any way, yet it isn't startlingly acceptable by the same token. It is a close amazing thriller that persuades of its story notwithstanding some genuinely silly plot shifts and an eventually extremely self-serving goal, and there is a ton to be said for the idealist component of viewing Arjun Das be pursued around his own feelings of dread.

Director V Vignarajan attempts an alternate subject for his debut. From the underlying scenes itself the crowd feels some newness. The initial highly contrasting arrangement of the film has neither rhyme nor reason at first. It remains so until it gets associated with the primary story. The purpose of having such a square is lost, considering the time the 'association' shows up. Just individuals who recall it commonly can recollect it. For an easygoing watcher, it would be out of the psyches eventually once they are following the account. However, one shouldn't miss regardless and must be mindful.

As the film goes on, it gets vast and by the end it has completely self-destructed. The turns are too silly and the plot openings are excessively ample. Working off a content that has zero responsibility for its plot choices, Vignarajan is delivered powerless in his own film. He makes an honest effort to organize energizing activity however unquestionably the plot is simply too large of an issue. At the point when the account backing your film is totally unrealistic, it's difficult to draw in the crowd. Andhaghaaram plays out like a fascinating thriller film turned sour. In reality, not excessively extremely awful.

Going to the exhibitions, nearly everybody is at their normal best with Arjun and Vinoth getting everyone's attention. The previous with the viable depiction of his disappointment with his now-celebrated baritone working while the last persuades us flawlessly with his go about as a visually impaired individual. Pooja Ramachandran and Misha Ghoshal likewise convey what is given to them with the previous' job being better scratched out, nonetheless, their naming isn't exactly on point and at, even appears to be worked. The dialogues look a smidgen unnatural now and again, might have sounded more conversational. The score is viable while only a couple tunes that exist in the film mixing with the procedures.

Final Word - Andhaghaaram figures out how to toss the thriller and puzzle kinds into a blender, and the outcome is a delightful item that is absurdly fun and warrants viewing in any event once. There is an incredible expansiveness of account development at work here, just as a ton of care about a significant number subjects. Andhaghaaram adequately takes a gander at the psychological thriller genre without ever in any event, tapping on, significantly less breaking, the fourth divider.

A Great Attempt!

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About GeorgeSylex

Film Critic, Writer, Reviewer, Columnist

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Andhagaaram, a film directed by V Vignarajan, in his directional presentation and produced by Atlee under his A for Apple Productions, stars Arjun Das, Vinoth Kishan, Pooja Ramachandran and Misha Ghoshal in lead roles and has selected a premiere on Netflix. The film is a suspenseful thrill ride with a nonlinear story line and great exhibitions from Arjun Das and Vinoth Kishan. Andhaghaaram is certainly not everyone's cup of coffee as far as amusement. One thing Atlee and director V Vignarajan are extraordinary at is finding and using new talents.
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November 24, 2020

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