Soorarai Pottru Review: Sudha Kongara’s Engaging Narration and Suriya’s Best Performance Makes the Film ‘A Must Watch’ (Rating: ***1/2)

Film: Soorarai Pottru

Starring: Suriya, Paresh Rawal, Aparna Balamurali

Director: Sudha Kongara

Rating: ***1/2

Reviewer: George Sylex

Overview - Soorarai Pottru depends on the biography of Air Deccan G.R. Gopinath and his book "Just Fly". Filmmaker Sudha Kongara takes hardly any focuses from his genuine story and fictionalized it to be a component film loaded up with many remarkable minutes. The film is about an average person who dreams to dispatch an airplane organization. The movie is at present spilling on Amazon Prime and this is Suriya's first direct to stream release.

Sudha Kongara's film is fundamentally turns around Nedumaran Rajangam's (Suriya) various periods of life. He is a knowledgeable man who consistently fantasies about beginning an aircraft. For this, he examines the pilot course and furthermore gets one. As time cruises by, he alongside his companions, give up positions occupations and seek after the fantasy about dispatching India's first ease carrier Deccan Air. However, Mahesh needs to take on probably the greatest names in the avionics business like Paresh Goswami(Paresh Rawal). The remainder of the story is with regards to how Chandra Mahesh satisfies his fantasy about dispatching Deccan Air and what issues does he face in his excursion.

Sudha Kongara moulds this up for her potential benefit with the manner in which she shape up the story. Taking an indirect making style, Sudha won't take a clear method to contact her objective. She blends pretty much the perfect measure of enemy's very own life to what the story is in reality about. A fastidiously woven sub-plot among Maara and his significant other Bommi remains the spirit of the film. Sudha Kongara figures out how to blend the 'biopic' bits and 'individual life' parcels in such a way that all that bodes well. One can not overlook the passionate part of the film. Sudha Kongara's composing is solid to the point that each feeling works in the film. The spouse wife point, mother-child relationship, and strife among Suriya and Paresh Rawal, every one of these scenes have holding feelings.

Soorarai Pottru runs on an intense note and that is the explanation a portion of the customary crowds who expect something from Suriya will be frustrated. Additionally, the movement of the film is somewhat delayed as the story unfurls relaxed and in detail. The initial ten minutes post span gets dull with a lot of acting. There are no unique exciting turns in the road in the story and the procedures are clear. Music and BGM are a significant in addition to as GV Prakash fills life into the procedures. The camerawork is amazing as the town set up and avionics background are exhibited pleasantly.

Suriya conveys the whole film on his shoulders. He giggles, he cries and carries on with the occasion – he isn't Suriya however Maaran on screen. He easily draws out the misery directly in his presentation and on occasion, with simply his eyes, when his over-aggressive plans, appear to go haywire, in any event at first. Giving capable help to Suriya is Bommi false name Sundari played by Aparna Balamurali. Her screen time may not be a lot yet she plays the ideal foil to a man's fantasy. Everybody including the supporting cast which incorporates the like of Urvashi, Karunas and Kaali Venkat, nail with both their Madurai Tamil and the exhibitions.

The woman filmmaker has demonstrated her value indeed. The way where she blends realities in with pleasant anecdotal components was so acceptable to see. Sudha remains consistent with the feelings and features dirty dramatization which is the greatest feature of the film. Sudha once more picks the account of an achiever. She is a fine narrator who likewise centers around the business angles. There are endless examples where we appreciate the course. The screenplay gets somewhat dreary in the second half as the hero is let down commonly. In any case, she tried to keep the crowd sincerely put resources into the account of a dark horse.

Final Word - Sudha Kongara's Soorarai Pottru is perhaps the best film of the year, and packed with astounding exhibitions. Suriya as Nedumaran is out and out enamoring, and his presentation here, effectively the best of his vocation. The film feels like an entire, complete film, without distorting the real hero's life.

An Excellent Comeback From Suriya!

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About GeorgeSylex

Film Critic, Writer, Reviewer, Columnist

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Soorarai Pottru
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Soorarai Pottru
Soorarai Pottru depends on the biography of Air Deccan G.R. Gopinath and his book "Just Fly". Filmmaker Sudha Kongara takes hardly any focuses from his genuine story and fictionalized it to be a component film loaded up with many remarkable minutes. The film is about an average person who dreams to dispatch an airplane organization. The movie is at present spilling on Amazon Prime and this is Suriya's first direct to stream release.
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November 12, 2020

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