Categories: Africa News

Coronavirus – Africa: The Eighth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD8) to be held in Tunisia

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Through consultations among Co-organizers of Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), it is officially decided that TICAD8 to be held in 2022 will be hosted by the Republic of Tunisia. TICAD will take place in Africa for the second time after Kenya hosted one in 2016.

Africa is the largest frontier in the 21stcentury. However, the continent is also facing various challenges such as conflicts and poverty. In particular, the COVID-19 has revealed Africa’s vulnerability including in the field of health and medical sectors.

With its history of over a quarter of a century, TICAD is gaining further significance as a multilateral international conference to address development issues in Africa, including in the area of health.

In light of the outcomes of TICAD7 held in Yokohama in August 2019, Japan will continue to strongly support African-led development toward TICAD8.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

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