Sufiyum Sujatayum Review: Malayalam Film Industry’s First Direct OTT Release Needs More Depth (Rating: **1/2)

Film: Sufiyum Sujatayum

Starring: Jayasurya, Aditi Rao Hydari, Dev Mohan

Director: Naranippuzha Shanavas

Rating: **1/2

Reviewer: George Sylex

Overview - After many contentions and back-and-forth with film theater proprietors Malayalam film Sufiyum Sujatayum, the area's first straight OTT release has debuted on Amazon Prime. The film, which highlights Aditi Rao Hydari, Jayasurya and Dev Mohan ahead of the main jobs. Sufiyum Sujatayum is directed by Naranipuzha Shanavas and made by Vijay Babu for Friday Film House.

Sujatha (Aditi Rao Hydari) is a quiet Kathak artist living in an entirely little town some place on the fringes of Kerala. She is entranced by a Sufi holy person (Dev Mohan), another contestant to the town, and they begin to look all starry-eyed at through looks, clarinet music and notes. Be that as it may, her dad dislikes this relationship, makes Sufi leave the town and gets Sujatha wedded to Rajeev (Jayasurya) who is settled in Dubai. After 10 years, Sujatha is as yet stuck before, and offers a freezing relationship with her better half. Sufi, who had left the town years earlier, returns excluded, making more turmoil in Sujatha's life.

Screenplay written by Naranipuzha Shanavas, who is likewise the director, Sufiyum Sujatayum is a flawless thought. A quiet Hindu young woman falls for a meandering dervish and his secretive eyes. Their affection is unadulterated yet not according to the ones seeing it. Yet, as much as this synopsis sounds wonderful, in Sufiyum Sujatayum it doesn't go past that. The film particularly plays safe as far as its composition. The spirit that needs parts and winds up making a mark in the total understanding.

The running time of film is just around two hours, then also 'Sufiyum Sujatayum' may will in general be a moderate watch for some, as the adoration divides among Sufi and Sujata aren't sufficiently engaging. The background music also may neglect to make an enduring impact as a large part of it is strict writing. Aside from a couple of looks, and a couple of seconds traded, there's no strong narrating, about the adoration among Sufi and Sujata. A couple of all the more captivating sentimental successions between the two would have held the screenplay all the more solidly. M Jayachandran's music is a positive cause for the film.

Anu Moothedath, the cinematographer has made a splendid showing with the representation of the film, which makes it totally lovely. The production structure of the film is great. Shanavas sets the base wonderfully, a market named Mulla Bazaar, where Muslim people gel up. A mosque which is so removed from the fundamental town that you have to cross a stream. Which Sujatha is prepared to cross regularly for her Sufi. In any case, nothing solid comes after that. Not so much as a point by point understanding into where and when did these two spirits become one, that their love could rise above fringes. Truly, Love Jihad shows up too yet only a single time, while it is the main clash of the film.

Doing strong articulations without expressing any discourse is a strong errand and Aditi appears to pull it off, sparkling splendid all through the film. Sujata' played by Aditi Rao Hydari will be one of her essential characters that will recollect by her fans quite for a while. Dev Mohan's presentation execution as Sufi is fair and merits some credit. Despite that his character doesn't have a great deal of discoursed, he scores with the subtleties in his looks. Jayasuriya in his all-inclusive appearance sparkles well, the character isn't so much as a test for him.

Final Word - Sufiyum Sujatayum is a story that could be a work of art. However, the absence of profundity prevented it from being. Having said that, it's excellent in its particular way, and merits a watch at any rate.

Watch It, If Musical Love Story is Your Thing!

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About GeorgeSylex

Film Critic, Writer, Reviewer, Columnist

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Sufiyum Sujatayum
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Sufiyum Sujatayum
After many contentions and back-and-forth with film theater proprietors Malayalam film Sufiyum Sujatayum, the area's first straight OTT release has debuted on Amazon Prime. The film, which highlights Aditi Rao Hydari, Jayasurya and Dev Mohan ahead of the main jobs. Sufiyum Sujatayum is directed by Naranipuzha Shanavas and made by Vijay Babu for Friday Film House.
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July 4, 2020

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