Categories: Africa News

Coronavirus: UNICEF Guinea-Bissau – COVID-19 Situation Report

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Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs

As of 29 May, the total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 has reached 1,256 with 42 patients who have recovered and 8 deaths, thus bringing the number of active cases to 1,206. Male continue to be more attained than female. The type of transmission is considered community transmission with most cases (96%) concentrated in the capital, Bissau. Two new regions have confirmed cases, Bafata and Gabu, bringing the number of affected regions to 5, including Biombo, Cacheu and the Sector Autonomous of Bissau.

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The National Health Emergency Committee, under the Ministry of Health, continues to lead the response, supported by the UN system and other partners like IMVF, Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontieres. In support of the National Contingency Plan, the UN has developed a UN joint COVID-19 Operational Support Plan. Within the support plan,
UNICEF leads the UN interagency Task Force on risk communication and community engagement in support of the response and in close coordination with the National Health Emergency Committee. Meetings among donors are conducted weekly to ensure coordinated interventions and investment in urgent priorities.

Preventive and restrictive measures instaured by the Government include: mandatory curfew from 20h to 6h; liberty of movement for essential purchases only from 7h to 18h; no movement between regions in the country; mandatory use of mask in public spaces.

UNICEF’s COVID-19 response

In support to the National Contingency Plan for COVID19, UNICEF response strategy and interventions focus on the following:

  • Risk communication and community engagement and C4D - WASH and Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) measures;
  • Health – Continuous access to health services, capacity strengthening of medical personnel and provision of medical consumables, essential drugs and equipment;
  • Education: provision of distance education and support to education sector response and recovery - Child Protection: Psychosocial support and continuous access to child protection services;
  • Procurement and logistics

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

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