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Top 5 Best Cryptocurrency Apps for iOS and Android

There is no denying that cryptocurrency is the in-thing right now, with hundreds of different virtual currencies to choose from. Bitcoin was the first of these currencies and, while it may be in a slump at the moment, the volatility of virtual currencies dictates that it can take off again at any time. But you dont have to focus on Bitcoin; there are plenty of other virtual currencies to invest in, and your smartphone is the best way to monitor your investments. To that end, we found five excellent cryptocurrency apps for both iOS and Android devices.

Top Five Cryptocurrency Apps for iOS and Android:

There are loads of cryptocurrency apps for both iOS and Android devices. While many are free, some arent, but all the apps we opted for are. Do check them all out, make sure they offer exactly what you want in terms of features before you drop all your new crypto assets into them.

Coinbase – Free

Coinbase claims that it is the number one cryptocurrency trading arena, and many investors make it their first port of call. The app works on both iOS and Android devices and lets you buy, sell, and track cryptocurrency prices with ease. It provides a cryptocurrency wallet for storing your investments and helps you find merchants that will accept them as a form of payment. Some do say the fees are a little higher than others, but it is claimed as the best place to start. You can download the app from TutuApp store.

CryptoTrax – Coin Portfolio – Free

Another free app, CryptoTrax, doesnt focus on what coins you invest in, rather what you do with them. You can add your transactions straight into the CryptoTrax app portfolio and let it track the values. The app will also tell you what your prospects are for-profit and loss, and it provides price alerts when values drop below or go above specified points, allowing you to buy or sell at the right time. CryptoTrax supports iOS and Android platforms.

Enjin Wallet – Free

Enjin Wallet comes from the creators of the Enjin Coin, the first-ever cryptocurrency aimed at gaming. The wallet supports most major cryptocurrencies, not just the Enjin coin, and is one of the most secure wallets available. You get the option of using the secure keyboard and randomized keys. If you happen to misplace your phone, you can restore your wallet on any other device – write twelve words, scan them using the app, and away you go. Right now, it is only for Android users, but there is an iOS app on the way. – Bitcoin Wallet – Free

One of the biggest players in Bitcoin, the BTC, com mobile wallet is beautifully designed, user-friendly, and has great transfer fees, not to mention being one of the most secure. Its the ideal app for beginners or experts and is packed with cool features, including using a QR code to transfer your Bitcoin. The wallet allows you to purchase Bitcoin directly and, because of a master seed backup, you can be sure your data is always fully secured and can also be recovered easily. The app works on both Android and iOS.

Cryptonaut Portfolio Tracker - Free

Cryptonaut aims to make it dead simple for you to track your cryptocurrency investments. Setting the app up is easy – just input your transactions into the portfolio and away you go. That makes it simple for beginners to use, but if you are a more advanced cryptocurrency trader, you also get a whole heap of more in-depth options – trading your altcoins against other altcoins or against fiat currencies, and support for multiple altcoin types, among others. The app is user-friendly and includes lots of useful data and graphs presented in an easy to read format. The app is supported on iOS and Android devices.

Cryptocurrency is here to stay, and we can expect to see many more altcoins being released as time goes by. And we can expect to see more and more crypto apps doing the rounds too, but, for now, these look to be the best on the market right now. All of them are free to use, but not all apps are equal.

For example, not all of these include a wallet, which means you will need to set up a separate wallet first – no wallet means you cant store your cryptocurrency investments. Some offer more features than others, such as price alerts, price tracking, and more. Do your homework – check out each app to see what it offers before you settle on one to use. And be aware that, for those apps that offer trading facilities, the fees will differ between them, so be sure to check that out before signing up for anything.

Do try them all. They are free; and let us know if you find another app you think offers more.

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