Categories: Africa News

EU Special Representative to the Horn of Africa to visit Finland

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The mandate of the EUSR for the Horn of Africa comprises the following African countries: the Republic of Djibouti, the State of Eritrea, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the Republic of Kenya, the Federal Republic of Somalia, the Republic of the Sudan, the Republic of South Sudan and the Republic of Uganda.

Alexander Rondos has worked as EU Special Representative to the Horn of Africa since 2012. EUSR Rondos monitors and analyses matters relating to the region’s security, political life, development, migration and regional cooperation.

EUSRs promote the European Union’s foreign policy goals in conflict-affected areas and represent the Union in peace processes.

Prolonged conflicts, humanitarian crises and migration issues keep the Horn of Africa in the spotlight of international attention. There are plenty of challenges arising from internal and regional tensions and the young population and lack of livelihoods in the region. Additionally, living conditions in the region are complicated due to climate change.

During the past year, the region has benefited from new dynamics brought about by the Jeddah peace agreement between Ethiopia and Eritrea, political reforms in Sudan, and reforms implemented in Ethiopia.

The countries of the Horn of Africa do not direct their development alone. Not only the great powers but also countries like Turkey and the states bordering the Persian Gulf are interested in influencing the political, economic and security of the region. The Red Sea has become a theatre of global competition for ports, military bases and economic influence.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland.

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