Categories: Hollywood Movies

Danniella Westbrook battling womb cancer

Los Angeles, Sep 23 (IANS) Actress Danniella Westbrook has been diagnosed with womb cancer. She says she is scared of dying.

The 44-year-old actress has been terrified by the thought of dying, and has been thinking about her late friend Jade Goody, who died of cervical cancer in 2009, reports

She said: "I have always said I am not scared of dying. But when the doctor said, 'You have cancer', straight away my thoughts turned to Jade and that I don't want to die.

"Getting this diagnosis has made me realise I don't want to die. I want to live and sort out my health. I know I have to fight, I know I have to get up and battle it."

The "EastEnders" actress is "hopeful" for the future as doctors have said they believe the cancer is "containable".

Westbrook will undergo a full hysterectomy in three weeks' time.

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