Rocheston Launches Professional Certification Programmes With Test Delivery Partner Pearson VUE

Business Wire IndiaUS-based Internet Technology and Innovation Company, Rocheston, is set to launch the first of its four Professional Certification programmes in partnership with Test Delivery Partner Pearson VUE.

Rocheston’s courses in Innovation, the Internet of Things, Big Data and Business Leadership offered through online, classroom and blended formats will provide graduating Engineers, Business Students, Professionals and Technology Executives with the needed upgradation and skilling to suit the tech-centred working, business, industrial and manufacturing environment globally.

Demand for professionals with skills in innovation is on an upswing globally. According to a recent Capgemini study, “Nearly 43% of 260 firms polled had Chief Innovation Officers with the trend witnessing a 10% annual growth rate.”

Examinations for Certified Chief Innovation Officer (CCIO) and subsequently Rocheston Certified IoT Engineer (RCIE), Certified Big Data Analyst (CBDA) and Certified Master of Business Leadership (CMBL) will be delivered via Pearson VUE’s network of more than 5,000 test centres in 180 countries worldwide.

Candidates enrolling for the Professional Certification programmes in the online, classroom as well as blended formats will have the convenience of booking their exams online and on-demand at a Pearson VUE Authorized Testing Center that is locally accessible, rather than travelling to a distant city-centre exam hall on one particular day.

Vasanth Davis, Vice President-Accreditation, Rocheston, said: “Candidates who will be enrolling in Rocheston’s Professional Certification programmes from around the world will have the absolute convenience and facility of taking the programme exams through any of the 5,000 Pearson VUE Authorized Testing Centers and obtaining ACCLAIM badged Certifications.”

Divyalok Sharma, Senior Director – Client Relations at Pearson VUE, said: “I am delighted that this new agreement will enrich the lives and careers of IT specialists around the world as we increase access to Rocheston’s assessments.”

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