Comey deems Republicans’ Russia probe ‘a wreck’

Washington, April 30 (IANS) Former FBI Director James Comey has called the House Intelligence Committee Republicans' year-long Russia probe "a wreck" that damaged relationships with the intelligence community and the federal court that grants warrants to surveil foreigners, the media reported.

The committee released a redacted version of the report on the panel's Russia probe on April 27, which found no evidence of collusion between the President Donald Trump's campaign and Russia in its attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election, reports CNN.

The report also disputed the intelligence community's assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to help elect Trump.

Asked whether the committee served "a good investigative purpose", Comey told NBC News on Sunday: "Not that I can see," adding that the probe became politicised "and it wrecked the committee, and it damaged relationships with the FISA Court, the intelligence communities. It's just a wreck".

Comey said the Republican report "strikes me as a political document".

Trump tweeted about the report, saying it backed his claims that there is no truth to the allegations that his campaign colluded with Russia in Moscow's attempt to interfere in the election.

Comey disputed the President's assertions when asked during the NBC News interview whether they matched his views.

"That is not my understanding of what the facts were before I left the FBI, and I think the most important piece of work is the one the special counsel's doing now," Comey said.

Comey, who was fired by Trump last May, is on a publicity tour to promote his newly published memoir, "A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership", which paints a critical portrait of the President.

In the book, Comey calles Trump "unethical" and "untethered to the truth" and compares his presidency to a "forest fire".

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