US House approves 5-year reauthorisation of Federal Aviation Administration

Washington, April 28 (IANS) The US House of Representatives has approved five-year reauthorisation of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) after two recent short-term funding patches.

The legislation, voted with 393 in favour and 13 against on Friday, provides the FAA with funding through the 2023 fiscal year, Xinhua reported.

Under the bill, about $3.35 billion per year through 2023 would go to infrastructure, and an additional $1 billion would be authorised for an amendment proposed by House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster that would create a report on the agency's Next Generation Air Transportation System to evaluate air traffic control technology, said a CNN report.

The bill also includes a disaster relief provision aimed to help improve infrastructure and preparation to handle natural disasters and a bipartisan amendment seeking to refine regulations on meals and rest periods for truckers.

"Today's vote is a key step in making sure the interstate supply chain continues to run safely and efficiently and without a hodgepodge of confusing and duplicative state rules." Dave Manning, the chairman of the American Trucking Association, was quoted by a The Hill news daily report as saying, referring to the bipartisan amendment on truckers.

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