Categories: International

Russia to summon Dutch ambassador over MH17 crash probe

Moscow, Oct 1 (IANS) The Russian Foreign Ministry will summoned Dutch ambassador to Moscow to explain why it is impossible to ignore the Malaysia Airlines MH17 Boeing crash data, which Russia has turned over to the Dutch side, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Friday.

"In a bid to explain the additional reasons for which Russia does not accept the methods used by the International Investigation Team, which, it believes, are taking the investigation in the wrong direction, the Russian Foreign Ministry will summon the Dutch ambassador to Moscow on October 3," Tass reported citing a statement.

"The head of the Dutch diplomatic mission will hear the Russian side's arguments why it is impossible to ignore the vital objective data, which Russia has turned over to the Dutch side," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

"In the end, such an attitude is undermining the Russian experts' cooperation with the investigators and is discrediting all efforts aimed at getting the true picture of that tragedy and bringing the culprits to justice in compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2166," added the ministry .

"The preliminary conclusions announced by the International Investigation Team have been obtrusively presented as the only faithful result, which brooks no doubt or contradiction. The Dutch side considers any criticism of the published interim results of the criminal investigation (into MH17 crash) to be totally unacceptable even if some substantiated arguments are presented," Zakharova said.

The Dutch Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian ambassador to the Netherlands on Friday to demand explanations on Russia's statements concerning the criminal investigation into the MH17 Boeing crash over Ukraine in July 2014.

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