Categories: Hollywood

Sarah Silverman pays tribute to mother

London, Aug 21 (PTI) Actress Sarah Silverman has paid tribute to her mother, Beth Ann O'Hara, on the first anniversary of her death.

The 45-year-old actress' beloved mother died in August 2015 at the age of 73 and on Friday, Silverman took to Twitter to reveal how much she misses her, reported Female First.

She tweeted a picture of them together and wrote, "A year ago today my mom left her human shell. So many times I went to call her this year, forgetting (sic)."

Silverman praised her "know-it-all" parent's outlook on life after her death last year.

"She was a know-it-all in overalls & two different colored socks. The woman who, when I was little, gave me detailed directions to a restaurant ladies room then secretly watched as I found my way to it on my own.

"The woman who went back to college at 42, and skinny dipped in ponds, and told me never to protect myself from a broken heart because it was so very worth the pain to get to experience love (sic)," the actress tweeted.

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