Categories: Hollywood

‘Suicide Squad’ fan to sue Warner Bros

London, Aug 10 (IANS) A fan of "Suicide Squad" has threatened to sue banner Warner Bros after clips from the movie's trailer were deleted from the actual film.

A social media user is determined to take legal action against the film studio for false advertising after scenes of the Joker (portrayed by Jared Leto) were not included in the final cut of the movie, reports

"'Suicide Squad' trailers showcased several specific Joker scenes that I had to pay for the whole movie just so that I can go watch those specific scenes that Warner Bros and DC Comics had advertised in their trailers and TV spots," the fan had posted.

"These scenes are: when Joker banged his head on his car window, when Joker says 'Let me show you my toys', when Joker punches the roof of his car, when Joker drops a bomb with his face all messed up and says, 'Bye bye!' None of these scenes were in the movie."

The fan believes that he should be entitled to a refund after he drove 300 miles to London to watch the "specific scenes explicitly advertised in TV ads.

The disgruntled fan is set to file his case later this week.

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