Hillary Clinton’s super-PAC raises $11 million in March

File photo former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton  (Xinhua/Niu Xiaolei)

Washington, April 21 (IANS) A pro-Hillary Clinton super-PAC raised more than $11 million last month, the media reported on Wednesday.

The overall haul by Priorities USA, one of the biggest super-PACs supporting Democratic US presidential candidate Clinton, has amounted to $67 million and donours had committed to donating another $49 million in the coming months, CNN cited the group's spokesman Justin Barasky as saying, according to Xinhua.

The group's tally also came one day after Clinton scored a crucial primary victory in her adopted state of New York, which she represented in the US Senate for eight years.

So far, the group has reserved $125 million in television and digital advertising starting the day after California's Democratic primary on June 7, when Clinton campaign expects that the former secretary of state would by then have secured the party's nomination, according to the CNN report.

Despite Priorities USA's expected boost to Clinton's campaign during the general election, its formidable fundraising bid had so far become a liability to Clinton in a chaotic election cycle featuring grassroots protests against party establishment and big money in US politics.

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