Uttarakhand High Court puts on hold Thursday’s assembly floor test

Dehradun, March 30 (IANS) A division bench of the Uttarakhand High Court on Wednesday put on hold Thursday's floor test in the state assembly, setting aside Tuesday's ruling of the court.

The division bench accepted the Centre's plea challenging the single-judge bench's order of Tuesday allowing the March 31 floor test for the ousted Harish Rawat government.

The two-judge bench of the high court comprising Chief Justice K.M. Joseph and Justice V.K. Bisht also fixed April 6 as the next date of hearing.

The central government is expected to file an affidavit on its stand on the dispute regarding suspension of the state assembly and imposition of President's Rule in the hill state.

The division bench's decision has come as a reprieve for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Narendra Modi government, which had justified imposition of President's Rule in the state.

The Centre had rushed Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi to Nainital to plead its case before the high court against Tuesday's ruling.

On Tuesday, Justice U.C. Dhyania had ordered a floor test in the assembly on March 31.

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