Global spin doctors to converge in India

Mumbai, Feb 28 (IANS) Spin doctors from across the world will converge here for the Global PR Summit in April, being held perhaps for the first time in India.

The Global PR Summit, in association with the Public Relations Council of India (PRCI), has so far been held in 16 countries since its launch in 2010. Among some of its previous venues were Turkey, Russia, Qatar, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, and Oman. Over the years, 1,892 brands have sent delegates to the various summits with more than 6,100 attendees.

The Indian edition will focus on the latest trends and challenges in the ever changing global PR and marketing world with a special focus on reputation management in the social media era. The event will feature a presentation on the new rules of reputation management by Mary Jo Jacobi, one of the world’s leading PR professionals and former VP Communications at BP America.

PRCI is a pan-India body of PR, media, advertising, HR professionals and mass communication teachers and students with chapters across 30 cities.

The India event thus offers a unique opportunity for communication professionals not only to network but to exchange thoughts and information, said veteran media professional B.N. Kumar, national president of PRCI.

“As PRCI has begun to spread its wings worldwide, the Global PR Summit offers us a great opportunity to work together to establish a World Communicators’ Forum, cutting across geographical boundaries. We all have a lot of insight to gain from each other’s experiences and work in the interest of societies around us. Let’s go beyond networking and partying and contribute to the society in a meaningful way,” Kumar said.

Kosta Petrov, chief experience officer of P World that owns the event brand, said: "We are very happy to bring the Global PR Summit to India as the nation has made giant strides in a cross-section of fields, including mass communication. We are equally happy to partner with PRCI which is focusing on creating knowledge platforms across the country. We eagerly look forward to meeting the great Indian PR professionals."

Speakers at the event include Thierry Nicolet, SVP (Global Press Relations), Schneider Electric; Aliza Knox, MD (Online Sales), Twitter APAC; Colleen Harris, former press secretary to Princes Charles, William and Harry and official spokesperson for Wiliam and Kate's Royal Wedding; Richard Stephenson, communications director, Civil Aviation Authority; Patricia Yates, director of Strategy and Communications, Visit Britain; and Jesse Ringham, Digital Communications Manager, Tate Museum.

M.B. Jayaram, chairman emeritus and chief mentor of PRCI, said: “PRCI has emerged as a truly pan-India PR professionals body with close to 30 chapters in as many cities. We look forward to gaining from the knowledge that will flow from the Global PR Summit.”

Deepak Menon, Business Strategist associated with the Summit, said: “We are glad to note that PRCI has been holding its Conclaves. I am now excited to bring the Global PR Summit with its truly international perspective to India. Such a workshop offers the rare experience and insight into care-taking of top brands that directly influence consumer perception and in turn sales. This experience will be a win-win for all of us.”

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