Categories: Agitation

Torch rally in Jadavpur against ‘fascist expansion’

Kolkata, Feb 23 (IANS) A section of students at Jadavpur University here took out a torch rally on Tuesday calling for consolidation of campus democracy against fascist expansion in the wake of recent events at JNU.

Eschewing any organisational affiliation, at least 50 students walked with blazing torches urging others to remain united.

With slogans like "moshal diye korbo sesh lej gutiye RSS" (the torches will force RSS to fold), they also encouraged more debates on the issue of campus democracy.

The university was at the centre of a raging controversy last week.

Pro-Afzal Guru slogans were heard and posters put up "seeking independence" for Kashmir and demanding "freedom" for Manipur and Nagaland during protests against the Narendra Modi government's handling of the Jawaharlal Nehru University row and the arrest of student leader Kanhaiya Kumar.

Jadavpur University vice chancellor Suranjan Das has come under fire from the BJP for refusing to lodge a police complaint against the students saying the university will maintain its tradition of autonomy and be open to debates and discussions.

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