Categories: Awards Hollywood

Sylvester Stallone Considered Boycotting Oscars

Los Angeles, Feb 9 (IANS) Amidst the racial diversity debate at the Oscars, actor Sylvester Stallone was considering his options to boycott the ceremony, but African-American director Ryan Coogler stopped him.

Stallone, who is nominated in the Best Supporting Actor category at the February 28 ceremony, sought the "Creed" director's advice on the matter, reports

Due to the lack of diversity in this year's nominations, a few actors, actresses and filmmakers like Jada Pinkett Smith and Spike Lee decided not to attend the ceremony.

Stallone had previously said he felt "incredibly humbled" by the nomination but he was not sure whether he should celebrate it.

"I spoke with Ryan Coogler when this happened. I said, 'Ryan how do you want to handle this? Because I really believe you are responsible for me being here,'" Stallone said on Monday at the Oscar nominees luncheon.

"I said, 'If you don't want me to go, I won't.' He said, 'I want you to go.' That's the kind of guy he is. He wanted me to stand up for the film," he added.

Coogler and Stallone's "Creed" co-star Michael B. Jordan did not receive any nomination while many thought they should have.

Stallone said it was only a "matter of time."

"Eventually, all talent will rise to the top. It's a matter of getting a new paradigm, a new way of thinking. But I owe everything to these two young men," he said.

A small group of protesters gathered outside the Monday luncheon and held the signs with #OscarsSoWhite hashtag.

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