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Run 587 Km with Facebook Ceo Mark Zuckerberg This Year

New York, Jan 6 (IANS) For those who love to run, here is another reason to do so in New Year. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced a new challenge for his 47 million followers on the social networking site: run.

I have a physical challenge for 2016 as well. I an going to run 365 miles (587 km) and I'd love for as many people in this community to join me as possible, the 31-year-old Facebook founder wrote in a blog post.

Zuckerberg also shared a photo from a morning run in Delhi with colleagues Chris Daniels and Ime Archibong from Facebook when he visited the country last year.

Last year, he enjoyed sharing A Year of Books with the community.

We'll call this year's challenge 'A Year of Running'. I've set up a public group where we can all discuss our running adventures and I'll post periodically on my progress:, he added.

Users can share their experiences on A Year of Running Facebook group.

Zuckerberg says he will post periodic updates there as well. So far, the group has more than 43,000 members.

This is a lot of running, but it's not a crazy amount. It's a mile a day, and at a moderate pace it's less than 10 minutes of running per day, he posted.

Here's to a healthy 2016! - running, he added.

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